Cutting-edge agricultural research
One of the most innovative areas of the Negev region’s success is also one of its most ancient: agriculture. The breakthroughs in arid-region cultivation made in the Negev are already feeding thousands in desert-like parts of the U.S., Africa, and Asia. If the moon and Mars are someday farmed, chances are that the technology will have been developed in the Negev.

The Ramat Negev AgroResearch Center
- The RNDARC is a research and development campus with a unique focus on training programs in advanced agriculture techniques designed for a variety of environments.
- The work at RNDARC involving greenhouse crops, energy, and water conservation increases food security throughout the Negev region and beyond.

Visitors’ Center
The goals and objectives of the Visitors’ Center include:
- Exposing RNDARC’s operations to the general public
- Making scientific agricultural knowledge accessible to a non-professional audience
- Telling the tale of settlement in the Negev with special emphasis on agricultural development
- Showcasing RNDARC’s international activities