The Speiser Family
“I’m here until I die.”
Allison Speiser
How does the Negev contribute to your family’s identity?
My kids grew up very connected to nature. We used to live outside of Jerusalem, where my kids would not have been able to connect with nature the same way. Also, where we used to live, we had very limited access to recycling. I would save every tin can I came across and they would pile on top of each other until we moved, and I had to move box after box of cans. But at our new home, we had recycling options!
Why did you move to the Negev and not to a big city?
We chose to move to the Negev because we wanted to be part of a story. We wanted to be a unique part of a community where we could make a difference. Just moving to the Negev is an important step in this story— it is a priority to increase numbers in the region. Now we have an ability to contribute in a real way.
The Negev is what’s next for ideological, political, and environmental reasons. Ben-Gurion was already here, he had the foresight. It’s not just for me and my kids— it’s for the next generation.
How long will you stay here?
I’m here until I die.
What is the best part of living in the Negev?
There are things in the Negev that you can’t find anywhere else. I love living where people come to go hiking and where there is a real community. Community members become family! There is also a slower pace of life at the decision-making level. We didn’t used to have a regional high school, and when we planned to make one, we brought together a committee to really identify all of the region’s needs before we put any plans into action. They could have just slapped up a building and called it a high school, but instead the committee was formed to consider what people wanted to see in this new school.
This is our eighth year in the Negev, and over the years I have participated in program development and resource development for the area. I brought in money for a playground, for a daycare, a sports room, and for security. We are the only fully English-speaking family in our community.
What is something most people don’t know about the Negev?
A lot of people think that the Negev is just camels and donkeys walking around. And there are camels and donkeys walking around! But beyond this, the Negev also has a leading cyber center, cannabis center, and agro-tech center, where people come from all over the world to learn our techniques.
What does the future of the Negev look like?
The Negev is not going to turn into a “new Tel Aviv.” Communities are in coordination with the “environmental powers that be.” We are not looking to transform the desert into something it’s not, but it’s all we’ve got. The communities that already exist must be strengthened, and new communities can be developed. With enough time and energy invested, these communities can have the best education, and we can get people out of the center of the country.
The biggest thing is getting the word out about the Negev!